Of the supposed protagonist holding a picture of a man which symbolises that she is madly obsessed with him. As the next scene starts, another close up shot of the girl slowly feeling the her lovers car and as someone else shouts out “threes Lee Cassidy” we see a medium shot of her initial reaction which shows that she is totally in shock.
There is another close up of the girl looking through a hole to see her major crush which shows that she absolutely adores the boy and would go to extreme methods just to see him. The genre of this film is romantic/ thriller as we see scenes during the trailer that may suggest that it is a thriller. Also, the trailer presents alternative ideology as we the two girls kissing each other passionately which suggest that they are bi sexual and also being female.
With the car scene we see a more of the romantic genre as one of the girls is sitting on the man’s lap and he caress her by touching her arm slowly. Immediately, we see a close up shot of the other girl driving and her reaction sees her best friend getting comfortable with the guy that she loves.
The trailer follows Todorovs theory as the trailer starts of with a equilibrium of a girl showing her love for the man she loves. What we don’t know is what the end of trailer is like as it ends with disequilibrium as long shot appears to show one of the girls holding a gun towards the man and suddenly a loud gunshot is heard.
The editing of the trailer just changes each scene and not much has been done as the trailer just shows a brief introduction to the film which may interest audiences. It does a very good job of briefly introducing the film as audiences may not want to see the main bits of the film.
We see a beautiful setting as the two girls are lying down with each other on a hill and see the sun set. In this scene, a long shot is used to show the background and the two girls and shows how much a bond the two girls have.
WWW - you have analysed the effect of a number of shots effectively and attempted to apply theory in your analysis.
ReplyDeleteEBI - Make sure you get the shot size right - The last shot of the girl holding the gun is not a long shot. Why is the close up used much more effective than a long shot?