Media forms
Which advertising techniques are being used?
The following text uses common conventions of advertisement so that the company can sell their product to the viewers who are also the customers. For this text, humour is used to make the audience laugh and interested in the advertisement. The use of humour when the baby is shown driving the vehicle brings humour to audiences as everyone knows that a baby cannot physically drive a car which some audience may find this cute and funny and they are already attracted to watching the rest of the advertisement. Another technique which is used in common advertisement is through the use of fast cut paced shots. This shows that a lot of stuff is going on in the text and makes the viewer want to concentrate to understand what is going on in the text. Another techniques which is used that the name of the institutor making this product come at the end, in this case the car company Hyundai come at the end. The use of voice over towards the end is used, a female voice is used so that females can relate to this instead of the common genre that this advertisement is aimed to.
How is gender represented in this advertisement?
Gender in this advertisement represents dominant ideology although that the male in this text is a baby it still shows the dominance of males. The baby follows all common conventions of a male being blonde, blue eyes and being dominant. Females in this text are shown to be less dominant as they female baby appears to be a hitchhiker which shows that women are underneath men in today’s society. The baby in this text appears t o be relaxed which also shows that men are dominant and the common phrase that we hear today that men are better drivers then woman reflect this advertisement as the male baby is shown as being dominant.
What is communicated about the Hyundai brand and the experience it offers?
In this advertisement Hyundai try to show that their cars are totally safe and can be used in all different surfaces. For example, during the middle of the advertisement the car is seen driving on a road and towards the end the surface changes from road to being sand. Another way that the company shows that the brand can be used for all sorts of different occasions, an example of this is shown when the baby takes out the surf board from the boot of the car, this also shows that the car is spacious and can carry a lot of items.
Who is target audience and how does the advert attempt to persuade this audience to buy the product?
The main target audience for this advertisement are both genders males and females but are most likely for people from the ages of 20 + and people who hold a driving license as the company are trying to sell their cars. This advert shows how spacious the car is and how well it drives and this is an attempt to persuade viewers to purchase this car. The socio economic class would most likely to be c and b as they may have the finance to purchase this car. The advert mostly appeals to people who have families so that everyone can go on a family outing.
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